Sunday, March 25, 2007


1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?

The weight of the world’s biggest pumpkin is 1262 pounds. That’s 573.64 Kilos!!! This was grown by a lady whose name is Geneva Emmons who lives in Washington Sate.
I used the search engine yahoo to find the answer to this question. It was the first website to come up on the list of responses.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?

The quickest way of contacting Grant Hackett is to send an email to
To find this information I used someone’s blog for the answer. I only cheated a little. I used search engine and found this girls blog. I did use other engines and didn’t find anything.

3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?

A giraffe's tongue is around 18 to 20 inches (46 to 50 centimetres) long!!
I used to find this answer and this was the first link to come up.

4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean?

A definition of ontology is a study of being and existence in the universe. This means that it studies all kinds of entities on earth and the universe. The definition is pretty much self explanatory. Lol
I used search engine for this answer.

5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?

The first feature film that David Cronenberg directed was called ‘shivers’ which appeared onscreen in 1975.
To find this answer I tried something different and used Alta and this link was the second one to come up.

6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?

The original manifesto was written by a hacker called Loyd Blakenship, who went by the name of the mentor. It was first written January 8, 1986.
Used yahoo as many links came up when I typed in ‘Hackers Manifesto’.

7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?

The prefix 555 wasn’t used much therefore it became reserved for Hollywood so the viewing public wouldn’t harass the real phone customers.
I used as this was a very unusual question and I thought that an asking search engine would be the best way to go.

8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?

Well I couldn’t find anything! So I’m just going to go with a guess here and say swimming! There are dangers involved, like getting eaten by a shark but I believe it would be the cheapest.
I used Hope’s brain search engine lol

9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?

March 13 to March 26: Eight Days A Week, by the Beatles.
I used for this very unusual question.

10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?

Stephen played keyboard and vocals for the Brisbane punk band, the Black Assassins.
I used and it linked me to the Griffith University’s profile on Stephen.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Making Buddies and media theory all mixed into one...

"Real life is becoming indistinguishable from the movies. The sound film, far surpassing the theatre of illusion, leaves no room for imagination or reflection on the part of the audience, who is unable to respond within the structure of the film, yet [who is also unable to] deviate from its precise detail without losing the thread of the story; hence the film forces its victims to equate it directly with reality."(Adorno, T & Horkheimer, M Dialectic of Enlightenment Verso London 1979 p126)

Well it is now week 3 of university, week 2 for our tutorial, if you want to count that! Anyways last weeks lecture was very long in my mind! I felt that it was too early to be talking about what we were talking about. So what were we talking about I hear you ask? Well...It all started with Media Theory (I know it grabs you straight away. Doesn't it? lol) So Steve (our lecturer) talked about how communications e.g television, newspapers and radio, has developed over the centuries and how they distribute messages from a centralised place, to all over the world! This I find quite fascinating, because if you think about the olden days...way, way back before I was born... they had had to write letters to communicate and they couldn't even dream of communicating to another person in another country! But today we can just hop on the internet or the phone at home and talk to anyone in the world! Me personally would rather use the internet to talk to someone overseas as the phone bill might be too much for my pay check to handle!
We watched a black and white film called 'Le Jetee' which pretty much expressed to the viewers that communication can travel anywhere, even across time! This movie I found quite boring as half the time you couldn't even read the subtitles lol but it was well produced as they used still shots which I believed was to show the viewer that we were looking at the main characters memory as our own memories are flashes!!
We also talked about how media is a big part of our lives and also how it is taking over our lives (refer to the quote above which was stated in our lecture) Now my thoughts on this is agreement as people believe everything that the media presents to us. For example, newspapers, magazines, Television. We are told stories everyday of our lives and we believe these to be true as they are a powerful form of communication and are told to everyone around the world. Therefore they would have to be true as they can't possibly lie to the whole world just for ratings!!! or could they?
Well I believe I have rambled on a bit too much so I'm goin to go so you can keep sane!!!

In The Begginning...

Hi I'm Hope. My friends call me Hopey or Hopeless. I'm 19 years old, which I think is old but hey that's just me. I have a twin sister her name is Simone but we're unidentical thank god!! no offence to her of course. lol I know the top question on your mind is; was I named after Hope on days of our lives?? and the answer is yes! ( I think my mum was on something, but hey we'll delve into that some other time) But hey think of it this way; she was going to call me Fleur!! lol I think I got the better end of the bargain in the end. Don't you? Oh and get this my brothers name is Beau! gross hey?! (I think my mum was on something when he was born too lol)
Anyways let's talk about my interests, cause I know everyone wants to know about them! lol. My interests are like all other girls. I like shopping, boys, going to the beach, my friends they're awesome!, partying, movies, chocolate and lollies, AFL, running and dancing. I looove to dance!!!
So now let's move onto the serious stuff shall we! I am a first year student at Griffith University, who is currently doing a Bachelor of Communications. I am enrolled in 4 subjects and they are; New Communications Technologies, Writing for the Web, Effective writing and Introduction to Politics. Because of my enrolment in New Comm. Tech. (It's too long to write again) I have to do this blog thing, which I don't mind of course, lol but I don't quite get it yet!
This course, I find is interestingly different! The lectures I find are very long, but I do like the Lecturer Steve Stockwell, he gets very excited about little things and I find this very amusing. Communication Studies are relevant to everyday life as most of us take the things around us in everyday life for granted! We don't delve into how these things actually work. Also communications is ever growing in everyday life.Well this is my first post! I think I did quite well actually...but I may be a little bias (",) bye!!!