Thursday, May 31, 2007

Time to say goodbye...

Well this will most likely be my last blog for this site. Therefore I will try to make it a good one for you.
My impressions of New Communication Technologies is that it is definetly something different. Don't get me wrong I loved the tutorial tasks. They were good as I learned alot of new things like how to use photoshop, some new tools were shown to me in word and excel that I didn't even think existed, learning all about the blogger world and also that google isn't the only search engine on the internet. The lectures were interesting, long, but interesting all the same.
I did learn from them and I thouroughly enjoyed Jason Nelson's lecture as he is really funny! But Stephen also does a really good job in the lectures, he get's really excited about what he is teaching and I find that really helpful when listening to him and wanting to learn.
I just find this class different as I have never done a subject like this before.
Now with the movies that were shown, all I can say is weird haha
goodbye and so long...
My name is Hope Kerslake, say hi to your mum for me. (",)

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